I rarely get political but yesterday's elections, especially in Arkansas, have me rather perplexed.
Dear Voters:
If you really want change why do you keep voting for the same two parties? For decades people have been talking about how they want the political system to evolve, but all they do is TALK. If you want real change, vote differently in the future. Otherwise you are just living the definition of insanity.
Sincerely Concerned,
What I hate most about politics is how each party blames the American people... Republicans say: "You all voted for the Democrats who couldn't fix this mess" and the Democrats say "The Republicans messed things up, and you're the ones who voted them into office". They're clearly in cahoots; behind closed-doors secret Yale/Harvard hand-shakes, in the pockets of the same big-business Puppet-Masters. If we all started our own Gardens and quit working we could tell them ALL to go fuck themselves.